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Side By Side After Dark: Sex and Marriage

  • Side By Side- Knoxville Knoxville, TN (map)

Join us for a special series, SBS After Dark, where we aim to foster a safe, understanding, and judgment-free forum for conversation on Sex and Marriage.

Part 1- January 9

Dinner is served at 6:30 pm. Guest speakers begin at 7:15 pm.

SBS After Dark: Sex and Marriage kicks off with guest speakers Summers McMurray, Director of Marriage at Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church, and Emily King, owner of Longmeadow Counseling. These Christian experts will share God's perspective on marriage and intimacy - debunking myths we’ve heard from church and from the world. 

Part 2- January 16

Dinner is served at 6:30 pm. Discussion begins at 7:15 pm.

Join us for Part 2 of SBS After Dark: Sex and Marriage. The topic? Female Pleasure. Emily Elliott, PT, DPT and women’s health specialist, Catherine Taylor, PA, present on how God purposefully made the female body. A short video series by Francie Winslow will also accompany this presentation.

Part 3- January 21

Part 3 begins at 7 pm. Bring a snack or dessert to share if you'd like!

Discussion time! Join our Medical Marriage Roundtable discussion to ask questions and get answers from your fellow SBS peers. This is your chance to receive practical “how to” advice on a medical marriage from those who can relate. No questions are off limits, and they will be kept anonymous.

Childcare is provided.

Don't let childcare costs or arrangements to hinder your participation! Childcare will be available on-site. Sitters and the kiddos will use a space upstairs, while SBS After Dark meets downstairs.  Please notify Emily Elliot ASAP to reserve a spot. Doing so will ensure adequate coverage needed to keep littles safe. Alternatively, if you need funds to cover a sitter at your house, please reach out to Emily.  

January 9

2023 Spring Study: Morning Group Kickoff

January 16

January Playdate at Suttree Landing